Events are the primary concept on Sailhouse. The container, envelope, metaphor of choice for your data.

They are JSON objects that get sent to a topic. You can’t send an event to multiple topics, but you can send multiple events with the same data to multiple topics (although, that is likely an anti-pattern).

Using events


For non-enterprise customers, there is a maximum event size of 4mb applied. However, if you’re hitting this limitation it’s likely an anti-pattern.


Events can have metadata attached to them. For example attaching trace-ids, or bundling publisher information.

It’s used by cron jobs to populate information about the triggered cron.

Understanding events


To help clear things up, here’s a list of the common

  • Asychronous - Processing in the background, in a non-blocking way
  • Event-driven - An application design which does most of it’s logic asychronously in response to logical events
  • Event - A single package of data, sent to a topic

Commands vs Events

When it comes to building event-driven applications, you’ll probably come across the concepts of Commands and Events.

Sailhouse is a flexible platform enabling event-driven behaviours. At it’s core, it enables any publish / subscribing pattern, and most real-world applications will have a blend of both.


Commands are a way of instructing behaviour in an application - where the publishing of which is directly triggering specific behaviour.

Think of a topic such as backup-users, which triggers a specific operation. Unlike events which notify about something that has happened, commands explicitly tell your system to do something.

Common command patterns include:

  • User actions: send-email, process-payment, generate-report
  • System operations: backup-database, clear-cache, sync-inventory
  • Scheduled tasks: daily-cleanup, refresh-analytics

A typical command payload should contain all the necessary information for the operation to be performed:

// send-email
  "recipient": "",
  "template_id": "welcome_001",
  "variables": {
    "user_name": "Jane Smith",
    "activation_link": ""


Events represent something that has happened in your system. Unlike commands which instruct specific behaviour, events are notifications that other parts of your system can react to.

For example, a topic like user-created indicates that a new user has been registered. Multiple services might be interested in this event:

  • An email service could send a welcome message
  • A analytics service could update user metrics
  • A notification service could send a slack message to let you know someone has signed up

This decoupled nature of events means your system becomes more maintainable and scalable - new functionality can be added by simply subscribing to existing events, without modifying the original publishing code.

Here’s what a typical event payload might look like:

// user-created
  "user_id": "usr_789xyz",
  "email": "",
  "signup_source": "web"